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My guideline
I would like to support you in finding your individual path and in walking it with the greatest possible autonomy and joy.
In my treatment I attach great importance to a holistic approach to human existence, the interaction of bio-psycho-social factors, the examination of past life experiences and unconscious motives and their impact on the here and now and the current experience of my counterpart.
These questions are fundamental contents to my studies of individual psychology and are and are thus deeply embedded in a methodological, scientific and theoretical space
Different realities of life, diversity of opinion and the interactions between individual and society are sources of my inspiration.
2018 - ongoing
Master's program Psychotherapy
Austrian Association for Individual Psychology (ÖVIP)
2015 - 2018
Psychotherapeutic propaedeutic course
Austrian Working Group for Group Therapy and Group Dynamics (ÖAGG)

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