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The walk is a challenge
We not only go through beautiful or pleasant moments. We often experience trauma, loneliness, or excessive demands, feel frightened, face aggression or rivalries, or find ourselves treated inadequately. These situations occur to all of us in varying degrees of intensity.
The depth psychological method of the field of individual psychology (according to Alfred Adler, 1870-1937) assumes that these experiences and ideas not only find a conscious expression, but rather have an impact on our lives as unconscious psychological processes. Compensation mechanisms, unattainable goals and supposed ideals influence our ways of acting and experiencing.
Especially conflictual, shameful, painful and contradictory parts of our inner and outer world lead to a variety of symptoms. These include depression, somatic complaints, identity problems, difficulties in forming relationships, as well as compulsions, addictions and other forms of destructive behavior. As a result, the shaping of life is impaired and limited.
An individual psychological psychotherapeutic treatment supports processes of understanding and change. A protected setting and continuous cooperation provide the necessary conditions for processing experiences and integrating them into a new view of self and the world.

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